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February 2025 Newsletter
published by Pat Hase on Fri, 31/01/2025 - 21:21

Welcome to the February Newsletter. I hope that you are progressing with your research and gradually breaking down your brickwalls.

Free Help Session Feb 1st Weston Library
February will start with a Free Help Session at Weston Library on Saturday Feb 1st from 2.00 p.m. until 3.30p.m. when our volunteers will be present to assist anyone who attends with their research. You do not have to be a member of the Society  to come along with your queries. 

Members’ Meeting – Feb 12th
On the Wednesday afternoon of February 12th the Speaker at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall will be member, Simon Begent, who will talk about the rich and interesting History of Aviation in Weston-super-Mare.  The meeting will be from 2.30p.m. until 5.00p.m.

St Valentine's Day - Feb 14th 
Looking through your family history do you have any marriages which took place on Feb 14th or any children born on that day who were called Valentine?

Zoom Workshop – Feb 26th
I will be hosting the Zoom meeting with a talk entitled – “She died in Whitechapel”.  This is based on my own family history but has links with the continuing interest in the well documented murders of the late 1880s.  Can you believe everything which was in print? This will start at 7.30 p.m. and members will receive notification of the sign in details before the meeting.

Holocaust Memorial day
On January 27th the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was recognised by those whose families were involved, on both sides, and by others who see that day as the realisation of man’s inhumanity to man. There is a web site where you can trace the history of the Holocaust https://www.yadvashem.org/holocaust/about.html and add any information you may have about members of your family who suffered at that time.

Researching Jewish ancestors

If you are researching Jewish ancestors there is a web site to assist you https://www.jewishgen.org/?gad_source=1 I have used this site successfully to identify members who have married into our family having come to this country from Ukraine in around 1900.

Document  concerning 158 Moorland Road
I came across this document over Christmas along with some papers which had been given me some years ago. It concerns the sale of a house in Moorland Road in Jan 1906

The seller was a James FEAR and the buyer was a Georgina FEAR  and the price was £300.  It was described as:

All that piece of land with the messuage or dwelling house erected thereon situate in Moorland Road Weston-s-Mare and known  as “Stencliffe”

Street directories show that Stencliffe was situated at 158, Moorland Road. This was on the  west side of Moorland Road towards the Devonshire Road end.

Is anyone familiar with the FEAR family? What was the relationship between James FEAR and Georgina FEAR?

In 1911 a Richard FEAR and his wife Nellie were living at 158.

There was a James FEAR who was a Builder who lived at 59 Moorland Road.  There was a Georgina FEAR who was the wife of an Ernest FEAR who was living at 40 Moorland Road.  Were they connected?

Married from Moorland Road in 1931
A group of people posing for a photoDescription automatically generatedUnconnected with the FEAR family - This photograph appeared in the Weston Gazette Pictorial Review of 1931 and was captioned.

“Mr Francis John Harris, only son of Mr & Mr W Harris, Moorland Road. Weston-super-Mare. married to Miss Barbara Mary Hughes at Emmanuel Church”

Using FreeBMD and the GRO Index it was possible to find that the birth of Francis John HARRIS was registered in the Sept qrt of  1907 and that his mother’s maiden name was WHITTOCK.

His parents, Willie HARRIS and Minnie Martha WHITTOCK  were married in the June Qrt 1907 when presumably she was already pregnant.  Sadly, she died shortly after giving birth, aged just 21. She was buried in Weston Cemetery in Tu 926. Later, Mary Jane HARRIS, grandmother of Francis was  buried in the same plot.
His father had married again in 1911 to Alice Emily BAKER and they can be found on the 1921 Census living at 160 Moorland Road – (next door to the FEAR family at 158!) – with a daughter, Doris Evelyn HARRIS, aged 7.
Do we have anyone who is researching the HARRIS family?  

Family Events in February
February is often a dismal month, weatherwise.  But this month my husband will celebrate his 92nd birthday so we will have something to celebrate. As he looks back over his life in Weston-super-Mare his memories come flooding back.  He was born in Whitecross Road, in the same house as his father had been born, so the family has seen many changes to the town and the way of life here.
His family were concerned with transport in Weston.  Initially with Donkeys and Donkey chairs and later with horse transport as a Cab Proprietor.

His grandfather, John HASE, a cab proprietor, had moved into a newly built  house in Whitecross Road in 1885  from the Victoria Hotel Yard. He built stables in Albert Road which backed onto their house.

In December 1907, John's wife had died from breast cancer and this advertisement appeared early in February for a housekeeper to look after the young HASE family.  Arthur, my father-in-law, was the youngest, then aged just 2 1/2 years. 

A newspaper with text and a picture

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Note that John was described as an abstainer. Newspapers can often add to your knowledge of the family.  The successful applicant, Susan SANDERS, was to remain with the family until John’s death in 1933. 

1911 Census for Weston-super-Mare
19 Whitecross Road, Weston-super-Mare

First name

Last name


Marital status


Birth year


Birth place

John Millard






Cab proprietor


























Susan Mary







Searice Cornwall

Mike's father, my father-in-law, Arthur HASE, later introduced motor cars into the mix, turning their stables in Albert Road into a garage. He also offered overnight off-street parking for visitors.  

A close up of a cardDescription automatically generatedA garage with a sign on the frontDescription automatically generated

If you look at the original entry of the 1911 census you will see that the enumerator has deleted the entry that one child of John HASE had died,  This was Agnes who was born and died in 1900 from Bronchitis and Pneumonia, aged 7/8 months. It is always a good idea to look at the original entry. As the only girl to be born into this family she was known to the family as “Sissy” for the short time which she was with them.

Having been brought up surrounded with cars it is probably not surprising that these became one of Mike’s main interests – along with his singing.  When he retired from teaching, we bought a Rolls Royce and did Wedding Hire for about 12 years. Perhaps some of you may have come across us in those days.  We did about 150 weddings and they were all joyous occasions. That is until the Rolls Royce engine blew up - luckily when returning from a Wedding – and we could not afford to have it repaired so had to sell the car!

Perhaps we feature in your family history record?

Each month I ask for contributions to the Newsletter in the form of comments from members who have information which they are able to share with other members and which might help others to continue  their research. Please consider adding your comments. Thank you.

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January 2025 Newsletter
published by Pat Hase on Thu, 02/01/2025 - 13:39

From BBC

A Happy, Healthy, Peaceful, Cheerful and successful New Year to you all. Thank you to those who sent cards and messages over the Christmas period. It was great to hear from you especially as I wasn’t feeling particularly well.  I wasn’t sure that you would be getting a Newsletter this time but here is a much shorter one than usual which in Blue Peter Style I made earlier.  Please add suggestions for research during 2025.

2025 has so much to offer. 
It is 80 years since VE Day.  I remember lying in bed asleep when my mother, who obviously wanted to share the news with everyone – woke me up to come and see the bonfires which had been lit along the railway embankment which ran alongside the Bristol Rovers Ground at Eastville in Bristol. I am told I simply said “ OK, I’ll see them in the morning” And went back to sleep!  I was 6.
A train track going through a forestDescription automatically generated with medium confidence 

From YouTube

This shows the Gasometer which is often mentioned in connection with the Rovers.
The 13 arches were demolished to make way for the M32.

There was a Street party, but I have no pictures.  Every type of dining room chairs with a table covered with white sheets and the favourites if the day.  Rabbit moulded jellies and blancmange, egg sandwiches, cakes and coloured drinks – there was probably more!  Do any of you have records of such parties?  This is the problem of relying on official documentation when so much of our lives are unrecorded,
I also remember being fascinated by the streetlights when they came on again – and the arrival of bananas but I don’t think that happened until Dec 1945.

Family Celebrations in 2025

In May 2025 one of my mother’s cousins will be celebrating her 100th birthday.  As her mother also reached a century it does seem that there are some long lived genes on that side of the family.  Happy Birthday Rita! 

January Society Events

Library Help Session
On January 4th there should be a session at Weston Library. The last one had to be cancelled due to the weather and the closure of the library.  All are welcome -  just take along your queries from 2.00p.m. and our valiant volunteers will do their best to set you on the right path. The session finishes at 3,30p.m.

Live Talk to Members on Wednesday, Jan 8th 2.30pm – 5.00
There has been some speculation recently whether an afternoon meeting suits most of our members.  Please make a comment about the suitability of the timing for the future.  This talk will be by Raye Green, the well known Worle historian. Recently she has been researching the 52 Vicars of Worle since 1325  Raye will share her knowledge about Worle history in this saunter through 900 years of St Martin's Church.

Zoom Workshop on Thursday 23rd January 7. 30pm – 9.30pm
This is a change of day for a Workshop from its more usual Wednesday evening to a THURSDAY.  It is important that as many of you as possible attend as it will be about our new web site.  Your comments are important to its development and Rob Clarke will be taking us through it.  You will receive information about how to join the Workshop by email prior to the meeting.

New Resources


The 1921 Census of England and Wales launches on the 7th of January and will show details including where your relatives were living, who they lived with, what industry they worked in, who employed them - you could even see their handwriting. What will you discover? – Here are some more resources on offer.

A screenshot of a web pageDescription automatically generated

Don’t forget that Ancestry and Findmypast can be used at Weston Library.

Free Research Sites

I wonder how many of these sites you have used. https://shorturl.at/Le1Sq   Were any of them helpful?  Let us know which you recommend.


Your membership to the Weston-super-Mare & District FHS ended on Dec 31st so your renewall will be welcomed by the society. And of course new members are always welcome.


Wishing you all a successful, Interesting and healthy 2025 and with many thanks to those who contribute to the Society.  Happy New Year!


PS    Received this message this morning – can anyone help?

Hello. I am trying to see if Backwell House is still standing. Also to see if anyone know about what happened to owners and their children.

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Free Help Session Cancelled
published by Pat Hase on Fri, 06/12/2024 - 21:14

Weston-super-Mare Library will be closed tomorrow, Dec 7th, due to the red and amber weather warnings.  Please do not go to the library expecting to see our volunteers - because they will be tucked up safe in their homes...You can always post any queries for our Research Forum.

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Gentle reminder membership renewal
published by Brian & Pam Airey on Wed, 04/12/2024 - 14:24

I have sent out a reminder by email that membership subscriptions end on 31 Dec., however I have just been through all addresses on the website and found several members have changed their emails since my records were updated. So I am trying to capture those miscreants!!

Thank you to those members who have responded to the original email. I apologise to those with standing orders who received that email as they obviously do not need a reminding.


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December 2024 Newsletter
published by Pat Hase on Sun, 01/12/2024 - 18:58

Our AGM was held in November and I was pleased to note that we have some possible new committee members.  May I wish them a warm welcome and hope their involvement brings them much joy and pleasure over the years to come.

It’s December already, somewhere I have an account of a family (not mine) celebrating Christmas back in the 19th Century.  It describes the people sitting around the fire, recounts what they have to say and paints a picture of domestic peace and concerns.  It is interesting reading giving an insight into conditions at that time. Perhaps we should all write a description of our family this Christmas so that our descendants get an idea about how we celebrated this year. Family History is not only dates and places but also events and how we lived.

My memory goes back to my childhood Christmases when we spent hours making decorations from coloured paper and received handmade gifts from parents, grandparents and other relations.

I still have this set of handknitted clothes for my doll, “Wendy”, including underclothes. I must have been about 5 years old when I was given this doll.  Later, she had to share the doll’s pram with our dog who allowed my sister and I to push her around in it!

What were your favourite gifts at Christmas apart from the apple and orange in the toe of the sock? 

I remember a visit to the Hippodrome to see a Pantomime with an aunt and being persuaded to stand up and conduct the orchestra who followed my frantic waving with commendable ability!

I remember gathering around the piano at my grandparents’ house with my mother playing carols and old songs which were then rendered by my uncles and aunt.  I remember the warmth of the open fire, the chicken sandwiches (no turkey in those days) and mince pies. We played hilarious games like charades and paper-based games - I do remember an older member of the family being quite surprised when she wasn’t allowed Addock as a type of fish starting with “A”.  Apart from Anchovy I can’t think of a fish which fits this description!

In the next few days Christmas tree decorations dating back over 60 years will be lovingly placed on our tree and fond memories of the first times they were used remembered.

New Ancestry Records

Here are some of the latest additions to Ancestry

·         The Royal National Lifeboat Institution Records are particularly interesting and contain several people from Weston. That the RNLI will be able to return to Birnbeck Pier once the renovation is completed is great news for Weston.


photographs reproduced by kind permission of Weston-super-Mare RNLI

·         On Ancestry the REME Records also list some Weston residents. One, taken at random, was Percy Arthur COUNSELL, 1902-1979, who lived in Bedford Road.  He served in India.  He survived the war and both he and his wife Daisy were buried in Weston Cemetery.

·         There are several members of the Polish Forces who are buried in Weston Cemetery. They are included in the list on Ancestry of the Polish Air Force in Great Britain 1940-1947. They include Stanislaw WALCZAK, Alojzy MORAWIEC, Felix ZALEWSKI etc.

Findmypast – Military Records

Last month, with the commemoration of Remembrance Day, Findmypast posted a video about how to find Military Records of our ancestors.  You can find it on https://www.findmypast.co.uk/blog/new/british-army-promotions-medals
I was interested this year in watching the TV coverage of the various ceremonies to mark the occasion that the events at Monte Cassino were included.  I have a copy of my father’s military records which include mention of his wounding in Italy on the approach to Monte Cassino at that time, so I was pleased to see it included this year.

Free Sites Online

·         A reminder that there are masses of free sites online to aid our family history research.  You can see some of them here: https://www.family-tree.co.uk/how-to-guides/doing-your-family-history-online-50-best-websites-for-family-history/ The first one listed is Familysearch which has been available in various forms for years and should not be forgotten as a source. 

·         How many of these sites have you used?  Can you recommend others?

LostCousins Newsletter

I often suggest that you read the frequent newsletters for Lost Cousins and this is no exception,  Go to the latest one for news and a mention of the DNA master class which is recommended reading. https://www.lostcousins.com/newsletters2/endnov24news.htm


Society Events

North Somerset Archives Service - 5th December

The next visit of the archivist from the North Somerset Archives ServiceEve Bickerton, is on Thursday 5th December from 10:30am to 12:30pm and 1:00pm to 2:30pm (this is a change from the normal times of 11:00am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 3:30pm)

Any requests to bring documents up from Taunton should be made by

See more details https://www.wsmfhs.org.uk/society_news_view.php?nID=548

Free Help Session at Weston Library – Sat Dec 7th

These sessions take place on the first Saturday of each month from 2.00 p.m. until 3.30 p.m. and all are welcome to attend.  Our Society Volunteers are happy to help anyone who has problems with their research and to point them in the right direction.

Society Members’ Meeting – Wed Dec 11th

This meeting takes place at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall from 2.00 p.m. until 5.00 p.m. As this will be the nearest meeting to Christmas it is a special meeting. There will be a quiz, raffle, short talks by members, and of course cake! Non members are welcome.

Facebook Group and Research Forum

·         We have had some interesting postings on FB about the PUDDY family of Mark and Wedmore.  There was also a post about the PUDDYs on our Research Forum on the Web site.  It is a difficult and large family to unravel.  One suggestion was that we had a facility to compare family trees.  You can post a family tree under the Members’ SURNAME Interests on our Web site.   

·         Please consider posting your queries about your research, not only about PUDDYs, either on the Research Forum or the Facebook Group. 

Edwin and Catherine PUDDY photographed in 1864 in Wedmore. My aunt married Stanley PUDDY, a son of Thomas PUDDY, pictured far right in front row. My husband’s cousin married the daughter of Reginald, another son of Thomas.

AI and Family History

Last month I asked about how many of you have used AI to assist your research but had no response so perhaps you are not using it.  Can anyone recommend an overview of how it can be useful and what pitfalls to avoid?


Wishing you all a joyeous time over Christmas, however you spend it. Perhaps with family gatherings where you can recount the history of your family, and gather more information.
Looking forward to a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful 2025 when we as a society breakdown all brickwalls, fill in those gaps and find pleasure in those adrenaline shots we get as we find that long lost ancestor. This all helps us to understand the way in which our family lived in the past and to pass it on.



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North Somerset Archives Service Visit to Weston Library
published by zumrob on Fri, 22/11/2024 - 14:41

The next visit of the archivist from the North Somerset Archives Service, Eve Bickerton, is on Thursday 5th December from 10:30am to 12:30pm and 1:00pm to 2:30pm (this is a change from the normal times of 11:00am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 3:30pm)

Four times a year, (usually) on the first Thursday in March, June, September and December, the North Somerset Archivist visits Weston super Mare Library to provide an ‘archive searchroom’ environment for users to consult original documents and resources.

Somerset Archives and Local Studies has a long history of providing this service with North Somerset Council, and as such has built up a contingent of loyal and dedicated researchers. The last visit, September 2024 was no exception, and we were delighted to welcome some familiar faces.

We can bring original documents to Weston super Mare Library for you to consult, and during the visit can provide some additional help and support.  Only one archivist visits, so must balance their time between all the researchers.  But the friendly nature of the service means that we can spend a bit more time than we might normally be able to, finding out about your research and suggesting new avenues.  Combine that with the impressive knowledge of the Weston super Mare Library staff, and we make a very helpful team!

So far this year 86 documents have made the journey up to Weston super Mare, and over the last 12 months 119 documents have been consulted as part of the service.  We’ve had 31 happy researchers over the last 12 months, with an average ‘dwell time’ of 90 minutes, which means they’re really enjoying their visits and making the most of their time.

Any requests to bring documents up with them from Taunton should be made by the Friday before the visit.  Email: somersetarchives@swheritage.org.uk

Dates for 2025 are (all Thursdays)

6th March 2025

5th June 2025

4th September 2025

4th December 2025

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Forthcoming Events

Physical Members' Meeting
Wednesday, 12th February, 2025 14:30 - 17:00
Workshop by Zoom: She died in Whitechapel a talk by Pat Hase
Wednesday, 26th February, 2025 19:30 - 20:30
Library Help Session
Saturday, 1st March, 2025 14:00 - 15:30
Physical Members' Meeting
Wednesday, 12th March, 2025 14:30 - 17:00
Workshop by Zoom: Brick Walls
Wednesday, 26th March, 2025 19:30 - 20:30
<- View calendar for more

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