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News & Information (Fairs, Seminars & Talks)

Talk by Dr Pimpernell -The Agricultural Revolution
published by Brian & Pam Airey on Sat, 15/06/2024 - 10:03
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Finding Eliza Carr
published by Peter de Dulin on Wed, 20/03/2024 - 11:49
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Seasonal Traditions - A Talk by Colin Chapman
published by Brian & Pam Airey on Fri, 10/11/2023 - 16:46
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Workshops for members
published by Peter de Dulin on Sat, 04/03/2023 - 12:07

Speakers for workshops are now being arranged at a pace. The following have been arranged:

March 22nd:     Brick walls and how to solve them. This will include brickwalls sent in by members

April 26th:       Family Search website: a talk on the website by Christine Reid from the Church of Latter Day Saints

May 24th:        Family Tree Maker: Mark Olsen from Family Tree Maker will be explaining how this excellent program works

June 28th:        Private Schools of Weston: following on from Pat Hase's talk on education resources in general, she will talking                         about the many private schools in Weston.

July 26th:          Worle: Raye Green from the Worle History Society will give us an insight into Worle and its history

August:            no workshop

Just as a heads up for the new season, we have John Gowar from Wrington Local History Society who will be talking about the older history of the village/parish looking at records from Middle Ages to Victorian times. This will be in October.

Peter de Dulin

vice chair

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Members' Meeting February 9th video
published by Jenny Towey on Thu, 10/02/2022 - 11:40

It is with regret that I have to inform you that - due to technical difficulties - we were unable to live stream or record yesterday's talk on DNA for Family History.

We desperately need a couple of people to help us out with the technical side of streaming and recording talks - offers of help are very welcome.

Jenny Towey

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South West Heritage Trust Q&A
published by Brian & Pam Airey on Sat, 30/01/2021 - 11:18

The above organisation is holding a free  session entitled "Somerset Family History: On line Q & A" on 11 February 1030am - noon.

Discover what to look at next in your family history adventure.  A free informal session to ask about researching your Somerset family. 

To book please go to   South.West.Heritage.Trust2@r1.technology-trust-news.org

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80th Anniversary of D-Day Exhibition
Monday, 12th August, 2024 09:30 - 17:00
Library Help Session
Saturday, 7th September, 2024 14:00 - 15:30
Physical Members' Meeting
Wednesday, 11th September, 2024 14:30 - 16:30
Library Help Session
Saturday, 5th October, 2024 14:00 - 15:30
Physical Members' Meeting
Wednesday, 9th October, 2024 14:30 - 17:00
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