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Dismantling one of my 'brick walls'
published by RosieW on Sun, 09/02/2025 - 14:03

Hello everyone - I have a 'brick wall' which I am currently dismantling Death Certificate by Death Certificate!!

My 'brick wall' Aunt died in 1993 aged 95 - she was a long time resident of Bristol.

Her Death Certificate shows her resident at 'Inglenook' 61 South Road, Weston super Mare.

Does anyone know if the South Road address was a nursing home way back in 1993?  Google maps does not help much and the current large houses appear to be converted into flats now.  

Thank you for reading.

Rosalyn Wade.  

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Hill Road Weston - super - Mare research project
published by kg@cave on Wed, 22/01/2025 - 7:32

Do any members have any personal or family connections, memories or information, esp. any old photos, of Hill Road, Weston - super - Mare?

If so, I'd love to hear from you as I've been researching the history of Hill Road, the houses and former residents as part of a research project in the style of 'A House Through Time'.

I live in Hill Road so any contributions would be welcomed and acknowledged.

thanks in advance for any contact

Keith Graham

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Did you put flowers on a Portbury gravestone?
published by RosieW on Tue, 03/12/2024 - 14:56

This is a very long shot and I hope it is OK to post.

My sister and I have for many years maintained the gravestone of our matenal grandparents in Portbury churchyard. 

We have also maintained the gravestone of our maternal grandfather's brother and his wife, which is next but one to our grandparents.  We have maintained this second gravestone as we have always known there are no close relatives until......

........suddenly a few weeks ago two bunches of flowers (seemingly quite purposefully placed) appeared on the gravestone of our grandfather's brother.  We are at a loss to know who placed them there.  Are there relatives out there working on their family history and came to find the grave?

Appealing here I know is a long shot but have you placed flowers on Auntie Jessie and Uncle George's grave?

If you  are you a distant relative my sister and I would love to hear from you. 

The full names are below .....so fingers crossed

Our grandparents are Charles and Lillie White

The gravestone we are interested in is for George Henry and Jessie Ada White who died in 1947 and 1953 respectively.

Thankyou for reading.

Rosalyn Wade

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Umbrella Maker
published by Tina Cooke on Mon, 28/10/2024 - 17:53

Does anyone have any information of an umbrella shop around James Street around 1881 please



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Birth Certificate Query - advice would be lovely
published by Tina Cooke on Mon, 28/10/2024 - 17:12

Can anyone tell me why a person would have 2 birth certificates with the same name and mother is same name on both, same date of birth and registration district  but each certificate has a different father named?

Thank-you if you can offer me any advice

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1745 map of Kingston Seymour
published by Andrew Manning on Fri, 25/10/2024 - 17:27

Hi everyone

I am trying to trace a map of 1745 or earlier of Kingston Seymour (and possibly Wick St Lawrence) to identify the location of "Shepherds"/"Shepherdes"/"Sheppards" tenement- it had been called that for at least 100 years by 1745. It contained a wharf so was either abuting the River Yeo and/or River Severn.

Can anyone help, please?




Andrew Manning


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