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Austin Mitchell - 1869 - 1904
published by Kathryn Warner on Tue, 09/04/2024 - 10:59

Good morning, I am researching my Great Great Uncle Austin Mitchell, his death certificate states he died from drowning on yacht called Dorothy. I haven't been able to find out anything about the circumstances around the incident, there was an inquest carried out but haven't been able to find any of that information, I was hoping you may be able to help. Thank you Kathryn Warner

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Smalls Quarries Ltd
published by Peter de Dulin on Mon, 08/04/2024 - 14:23

Hi. Wondered if any of your members would have any information regarding a former company called 'Smalls Quarries Ltd' that operated out of Backwell Hill in the past. I came across an old 'Mines & Quarries Act 1954' completed form on a board that was issued to the company in March 1965 and would really like to add some provenance to it.
Best regards
Wayne Bennett (Felixstowe, Suffolk)

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Inebriated Women
published by Pat Hase on Sun, 31/03/2024 - 21:22

I have been approached by a student  who is researching inebriated women in Weston at the turn of the 20th century.  She has compiled a short list of women who appeared in the Weston Mercury or Gazette at that time.  If any of you recognise any of these or have come across them in your own research please let me know – either by posting a comment or by contacting me directly so that I can pass on any information.

  1. Elizabeth STAPLES – maiden name PALMER
  2. Georgina PODGER – maiden name YOUNG - may be Georgianna, Hannah or Anna
  3. Elizabeth Emma JONES  - probable maiden name RADFORD, born 1853, East Brent
  4. Annie MATTHEWS – probable maiden name STONE married to James MATTHEWS
  5. Sarah Ann COX – may be from Burtle
  6. Mary BENNETT – older than the rest?  see image of newspaper entry
  7. Emily GROVES – probable maiden name SHADDOCK, SHATTOCK, SHATTICK or SHADDICK born Bridgwater born 1873 and married to William GROVES
  8. Catherine McCARTHY – a pedlar, connections with South Wales?

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media question
published by Brian & Pam Airey on Wed, 28/02/2024 - 18:24

I have a family history programme which produces a media file for all media attached to individuals. It shows there are 2354 files. When I wish to edit a file it is automatically loaded into Picasa but the number of files are only 2048. The file endings on both FH file and Picasa are identical. Can anyone suggest why and how I can remedy the difference please?


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William Tripp Marshall
published by msgrant256@btinternet.com on Sun, 18/02/2024 - 18:32

I am trying to trace my great grandfather William Tripp Marshall married Isabella Gray had several children.  My grandfather Victor launcelot Marshall I wondered if any members have any info on this family.  

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John Brown 1782/3 - 1843 Sarah Brown 1852 - ?
published by peter_scott71 on Mon, 12/02/2024 - 11:53

I have a pretty complete tree for my maternal grandfather, but a couple of dead-ends.

The first one is three generations back. He married Sarah Lott of Wraxall on 29th January 1804. He was described as of Portbury parish, but I have found no record of him in Portbury or anywhere else in the area. I'm told that he is very unlikely to have been Irish. An agricultural labourer according to the 1840 census.

He appears to be unrelated to another family in Wraxall that derives from a Patrick Brown. 

Any ideas as to how to pursue this one?

The other concerns a granddaughter of John Brown, Sarah Brown born (according to the registration) on 7th May 1852 to Charles Brown and Elizabeth nee Williams. In 1871 she was a servant in Kings Down Parade St James Bristol to a William Mealing grocer. She was admitted to Clifton Workhouse on Sept 7 1872. The Creed Register does not record her discharge. The Bedminster Workhouse records show that she was the subject of a removal order from Bristol Union in April 1874, presumably on account of her being pregnant with my grandfather William, who was born in the workhouse infirmary at Long Ashton on 16th May. At his first marriage William gave as his father William Brown a grocer (sic).

In 1881 William is with his illiterate grandparents in Wraxall, We have a probable identification of Sarah Brown in Wood Street Walthamstow as a domestic servant with a fur merchant, after which nothing.

I did ask Pat some years ago about this one and posting it was suggested. A long shot - any sign of Sarah back on home turf?

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