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Milton Road cemetery burials
published by daveerasmus on Sat, 15/06/2024 - 16:58

Would it be possible to check the following transcript, please: 

Book 17 22 8296
Eliza SMART widow 75
Place of death: 4 Bridge Terrace Drove Road
Weston super Mare
Date of burial: 28 Sep 1901
H S Chamberlain
Tc 4473
I think it might actually relate to Ann SMART (nee FORD) who died in Weston in 1901. She was a widow aged 75 and lived at 13 Bridge Terrace.
Pat (Hase): I think you might have researched the burial of Ann SMART for my wife's cousin a while ago.
Dave Erasmus
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Weston school and London refugees
published by daveerasmus on Mon, 27/05/2024 - 22:22

I am trying to find any information regarding 2 brothers who were evacuated to Weston during WW2. Their names were Terence (Terry) and Kevin (born Kevan) KELLEHER from Paddington. They were born in December 1927 and June 1930 respectively. All I know is that they were taken in by 2 (or possibly 3) elderly spinsters who ran a school. I know that Pat Hase has done a lot of research on private schools in Weston and wonder if this rings any kind of bell?


My grandparents took in refugees, but none by this name. However, the younger brother was the same age as my mother so there is an outside chance that the name will mean something to her. I will talk to her about this, but thought I would try this route first.


Both brothers have apparently died, but their records are still currently redacted on the 1939 Register.


Thanks for any help.

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Ancketyll's of Clapton-in-Gordano and Wraxall
published by Richard Manning on Thu, 16/05/2024 - 15:12

Hi All,

I've been sidetracked lately into looking at the Ancketyll family. There are a number of established lineages for them mainly in the visitations series or the major one in Hutchins history of Dorset. But I can't see how the Ancketyll's of Clapton-in-Gordano and Wraxall fit in. Edward the elder seems to appear from nowhere and the family seems to disappear again in the next couple of generations (see attached outline tree). There are references to the two Edwards in relation to persecution of quakers and to their religious careers, they were both Curates of Wraxall. But what I'm interested in is who Edward the elders parents were and what happened to the next generation.

Any suggestions for further research gratefully received


Richard Manning

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Murder of Thomas BECKET
published by Pat Hase on Fri, 19/04/2024 - 11:00

Has anyone researched the history of the knights who were involved in the assasination of Thomas a BECKET?  We have have had a query about William de TRACY 1133-1189.  One story says that he was buried on Brean Down.  A west country knight, there are several theories about his life and death and a possible descendent who lives in Bristol is keen to discover more.

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Austin Mitchell - 1869 - 1904
published by Kathryn Warner on Tue, 09/04/2024 - 10:59

Good morning, I am researching my Great Great Uncle Austin Mitchell, his death certificate states he died from drowning on yacht called Dorothy. I haven't been able to find out anything about the circumstances around the incident, there was an inquest carried out but haven't been able to find any of that information, I was hoping you may be able to help. Thank you Kathryn Warner

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Smalls Quarries Ltd
published by Peter de Dulin on Mon, 08/04/2024 - 14:23

Hi. Wondered if any of your members would have any information regarding a former company called 'Smalls Quarries Ltd' that operated out of Backwell Hill in the past. I came across an old 'Mines & Quarries Act 1954' completed form on a board that was issued to the company in March 1965 and would really like to add some provenance to it.
Best regards
Wayne Bennett (Felixstowe, Suffolk)

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