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media question
published by Brian & Pam Airey on Wed, 28/02/2024 - 18:24

I have a family history programme which produces a media file for all media attached to individuals. It shows there are 2354 files. When I wish to edit a file it is automatically loaded into Picasa but the number of files are only 2048. The file endings on both FH file and Picasa are identical. Can anyone suggest why and how I can remedy the difference please?


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Comments ..

Submitted by zumrob on Mon, 18/03/2024 - 23:32

Sounds like a limit in Picasa. 2048 being 2 to the power of 11. Those sort of numbers 1024, 2048, 4096 etc raise a red flag if you have ever worked in IT.

Picasa was withdrawn in 2016 and it's replacement (Google Photos) only allows 1000 for free.

I am assuming that you have all files in 1 folder. Would possibly suggest that you sort the media files into folders then loading up of a folder should load (a) less the 2048 files and (b) load quicker.

If that does not work can you let me know exactly what you do and I'll try to work it out for you

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