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The Society has transcribed a number of Parish records for members to view on line or to download. Shown below is a full index of those currently available, which are in Adobe pdf format.

Although rare, there is the possibility of errors in any of our published transcripts and we refer you to our comments about this in our Terms & Conditions.

The transcripts are published without profit to the Society and with a proviso that any subsequent copying is allowed only if free of profit. Anyone wishing to include a subsequent copy as part of a profit-making publication or distribution must apply to the Somerset Archives and Local Studies Service for permission.

Know Your Place is a digital heritage mapping resource to help you to explore your neighbourhood online through historic maps, collections and linked information. This free website allows you to further your investigations into the parishes covered by the Society.

PortisheadSt Peters BaptismsBaptisms1554 to 1615
PortisheadSt Peters BaptismsBaptisms1681 to 1791
PortisheadSt Peters BaptismsBaptisms1791 to 1812
PortisheadSt Peters BaptismsBaptisms1813 to 1837
PortisheadSt Peters BaptismsBaptisms1838 to 1856
PortisheadSt Peters BaptismsBaptisms1856 to 1889
PortisheadSt Peters BurialBurials1555 to 1616
PortisheadSt Peter BurialsBurials1682 to 1791
PortisheadSt Peters BurialsBurials1791 to 1812
PortisheadSt Peters BurialsBurials1813 to 1837
PortisheadSt Peters BurialsBurials1838 to 1874
PortisheadSt Peters BurialsBurials1874 to 1895
PortisheadSt Peters MarriagesMarriages1561 to 1602
PortisheadSt Peter MarriagesMarriages1682 to 1751
PortisheadSt Peters MarriagesMarriages1754 to 1791
PortisheadSt Peter MarriagesMarriages1792 to 1811
PortisheadSt Peters MarriagesMarriages1814 to 1900

Forthcoming Events

80th Anniversary of D-Day Exhibition
Monday, 12th August, 2024 09:30 - 17:00
Library Help Session
Saturday, 7th September, 2024 14:00 - 15:30
Physical Members' Meeting
Wednesday, 11th September, 2024 14:30 - 16:30
Library Help Session
Saturday, 5th October, 2024 14:00 - 15:30
Physical Members' Meeting
Wednesday, 9th October, 2024 14:30 - 17:00
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